Wait a minute. Hold the phone! You mean I can't earn eternal life in a paradise earth by breaking my neck to make 5 meetings a week, 3 hours of service every Saturday and attending 3 conventions a year ? Who'd a thunk it . . . .
Big Tex
JoinedPosts by Big Tex
WTS reaffirms Salvation only by Works
by ozziepost inin the new special assembly day program, the wts once again affirms that "true christians" receive their salvation by their works.
the theme is "be rich in fine works" and starts with the circuit overseer discussing what it means to "exert themselves to acquire spiritual riches".
the bethel speaker's first talk is "fine works in this time of harvest" - encouraging the r&f to "share even more fully'.
Two Witnesses Needed for Molestation?
by LovesDubs init just occurred to me, that if you need two witnesses to a molestation...doesnt god count as a witness?
hasnt he, the holy spirit been a witness for jesus?
then the jws stand that they need two witnesses and dont have two is a lie!!!
Big Tex
Actually God was called as a witness. Remember Oh God? George Burns testified and then disappeared but there was no record from the court reporter. So I guess that doesn't count as a witness according to WTS.
Do you procrastinate?
by larc ini was just wondering, do you procrastinate?
well, i was going to write about this 6 months ago, and i finally got around to it.
yes, i procrastinate all the time.
Big Tex
What . . . .
local elder admits..........
by heathen inwe don't know what jesus was doing during the period of 1914-1919. contrary to the wt doctrine an elder during tonights bookstudy for no apparent reason made this statement after the last paragraph for tonights book study was commented on .most unusuall don't you think?
Big Tex
As I recall, I thought he was fighting Satan in heaven. I remember a publication, or maybe it was a district assembly (convention?) talk that said WWI was a cover for the war in heave in which Satan and the demons were cast out of heaven. If I remember correctly, the war was won in 1919, and that was when Jehovah's Witnesses (the International Bible Students then) fulfilled the parable in Matthew of the 5 virgins who were awake and became Jehovah's chosen organisation. Or so Judge Rutherford pontificated . . . .
Our Minds were Raped
by LovesDubs ini also realized this.... did you know that for every article that you went over in a meeting, that you read and heard the information four times?.
you read it, then underlined the answers...then it was read again in the hall and reiterated again in the answer!
four times people!!
Big Tex
What? Sorry I was dozing. But my Watchtower is underlined . . . .
Ozzie's Wine of the Month - September
by ozziepost inthis month's chosen wine is a shiraz enjoyed by mrs ozzie and i last friday with a beautiful meal of veal dishes.
mrs ozzie had veal shanks and i had veal rolled with bacon in wine sauce.
the rosemount diamond shiraz is a premium wine which has won many awards, including one gold cup, 22 gold medals and 16 silver medals.
Big Tex
A delightful merlot, sushi and thou. What is better in life?
Need directions to heathrow .!!
by haujobbz inanyone know the quickest way to heathrow from wales by train,will i be able to go straight to paddington then get a tube to heathrow or what.
Big Tex
Whatever you do -- avoid the M25!
Transitions after leaving the borg..experiences?
by LyinEyes ini am just going to put this out here to see how you all feel about this.......... here goes............... do you think that being a jw , especially raised in it, has taken away your chance of ever trusting yourself ever again in regards to what you believe in?
i mean , you can read books, many by very educated men/women, you can read every bible printed, you can read every self help book, but do you find yourself at times just not caring anymore?
i mean once your trust has been broken, what is the point in reading another man's version of what truth/reality is?
Big Tex
Wow, great question. I started studying when I was 9, and stayed in until I was 27. I really really believed it, and left much against my will. I used to wonder why so few Witnesses joined other religons when they left, and now I think I understand. I think it's kind of like being in an abusive relationship. You might really love the person, but when they beat the holy hell out of you time and again, then blame your beating on your shortcomings, it creates a level of shame and mistrust that is very difficult to overcome. I think one thing many of us have in common is that innocence, that almost child-like trust that we all have, but then was used and twisted. We have left and count ourselves lucky for having gotten out, but that scar is still there. We will never have that innocent trust and belief that we once had. So for many of us, we are hesitant to join another organised spiritual group. Once burned, twice shy. I wish I had the answer about what to do next. At this point in my life, I only know where I DON'T belong. But I also believe that God has a certain responsibility in this matter. I choose to believe that if, and that's a big if, God wants us to be in a certain building, or belong to a particular religon, then it is his responsibility to let us know. I don't know if it will take a burning bush, but I do believe that if our eternal life/damnation depends on what seat our butt is parked in, then God owes it to us to tell us where.
Policy change regarding Inactive and field service
by cyberguy ini've seen several posts about this matter and i it seems that i might have seen something regarding this in some watchtower publication, but where can i find the recent policy change regarding inactive ones (i.e., was it in a km?
), whereby they have to meet with the service committee if they want to resume field service again?
a friend of mine is worried that this could eventually lead to treating the "inactive" as self-disassociated!
Big Tex
WTS is all about control. They want to control what people do in their bedrooms, what they talk about around the kitchen table and it frustrates them they are unable to control the lives of people who have slipped through the cracks. That will change. Maybe not for a year or two, but it's coming. Cancelling subscriptions, I think, is a step in that direction. It forces people to go to the KH to get their literature. If you're not at the meetings, you don't get it anymore. It will probably come down in a KM or a district convention talk, but it will come. I can hear it now: If you're not at the meetings, and out in service, then you are are dead to Jehovah. Anyone dead to Jehovah is dead to his organisation [insert obligatory applause].
Super Bowl Predictions
by WildTurkey in.
im a huge cowboy fan but i dont think they will make it to the super bowl, damn sure would love to be wrong.
ok here is who i think as of right now pittsburgh stealers and san francisco 49ers and god i hate them both, well thats my pick how about you?
Big Tex
Hey tdogg! Yeah but the one thing you've got to be concerned with Levens is does he have anything left? Realise he's been in the league since 1994. For a running back, that's a looooong time. And he's always been injury-prone. Now he's going to be playing on the worst field in the league. If the Eagles have a weakness on offense, it's definitely the running game.